Open Choreographer Call 2023

Boston-based contemporary dance company Boston Dance Theater (BDT) announces an open call for submissions from local, national and international choreographers. The company will identify a choreographer from the pool of applicants who will have an opportunity to create an original work on Boston Dance Theater during BDT’s 2023/24 season.
Since 2017, Boston Dance Theater has commissioned work from artists such as: Sidra Bell, Roya Carreras, Isvel Bello, Cameron McKinney, Cynthia McLaughlin, Alessandro Sousa Pereira, and Junichi Fukuda, through our Open Choreographer Call Application!
BDT is committed to working with artists of diverse experience and backgrounds, and will utilize this application process as a way to discover and help develop voices in dance. We invite choreographers to put forward a proposal for a new solo, duet, or group work, highlighting a particular aspect of one of the following topics, directly or indirectly, in process or product: Climate change; Underrepresented cultures and/or identities in dance; or Dance & technology (or other media).
The new work must:
Be 15 minutes in length
Be set on all current BDT Dancers
Be a completed work by the end of the residency period
Be rigorously researched through the body before and during the creative residency
Take risks choreographically and presentationally
Resonate with BDT’s mission and values
Embody values of Humility, Innovation, Accountability, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice, and Artistic Quality; opening up dialogue across cultural, social, and political boundaries
10 days of rehearsal time with dancers (27 hours total)
Presentation in a open studio setting (TBD)
Professionally filmed video of the performed work
Applications open November 27, 2023. Submissions deadline is XXXX EST.
To apply for consideration, choreographers must send:
No application fee.
Send any further questions to: